Books about Religious Conservatism in the United States

Phil Agre

This is the version of 11 September 2002.

This is a bibliography of books relating to politically conservative religious movements in the United States, with particular attention to the history of Christian millennialism. It includes books from all political perspectives, including many that I disagree with, so please do not flame me. If you have any corrections or additions, however, please do send them along.



Richard Abanes, American Militias: Rebellion, Racism and Religion, InterVarsity Press, 1996.

Richard Abanes, End-Time Visions: The Road to Armegeddon, Four Walls Eight Windows, 1998.

Richard Abanes, One Nation Under Gods: A History of the Mormon Church, Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002.

Ken Abraham, Who Are the Promise Keepers? Understanding the Christian Men's Movement, Doubleday, 1997.

Lawrence E. Adams, Going Public: Christian Responsibility in a Divided America, Brazos, 2002.

Sydney E. Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People, Yale University Press, 1972.

James Aho, The Politics of Righteousness: Idaho Christian Patriotism, University of Washington Press, 1990.

James Aho, This Thing of Darkness: A Sociology of the Enemy, University of Washington Press, 1994.

Bobby C. Alexander, Televangelism Reconsidered: Ritual in the Search for Human Community, Scholars, 1994.

Gil Alexander-Moegerle, James Dobson's War on America, Prometheus, 1997.

Tom Allen, A Closer Look at Dr. Laura, Christian, 1999.

Patrick Allitt, Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America, 1950-1985, Cornell University Press, 1993.

Bob Altemeyer, Right-Wing Authoritarianism, University of Manitoba Press, 1981.

Bob Altemeyer, Enemies of Freedom: Understanding Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Jossey-Bass, 1988.

Bob Altemeyer, The Authoritarian Specter, Harvard University Press, 1997.

Nancy Tatom Ammerman, Bible Believers: Fundamentalists in the Modern World, Rutgers University Press, 1987.

Nancy Tatom Ammerman, Baptist Battles: Social Change and Religious Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, Rutgers University Press, 1990.

Nancy Tatom Ammerman, Congregation and Community, Rutgers University Press, 1997.

Gary T. Amos, Defending the Declaration: How the Bible and Christianity Influenced the Writing of the Declaration of Independence, Providence Foundation, 1996.

Bruce Anderson, Watchmen on the Walls: Pastors Equipping Christians for Their Civil Duties, Providence Foundation, 1995.

Robert M. Anderson, Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American Pentecostalism, Oxford University Press, 1979.

John Ankerberg and John Weldon, One World: Biblical Prophecy and the New World Order, Moody Press, 1991.

Paul Apostolidis, Stations of the Cross: Adorno and Christian Right Radio, Duke University Press, 2000.

R. Scott Appleby and Martin E. Marty, eds, Fundamentalisms and Society: Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education, University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Karen Armstrong, The Battle for God, Knopf, 2000.

Steve Askin, A New Rite: Conservative Catholic Organizations and Their Allies, Catholics for a Free Choice, 1994.

Dale Aukerman, Reckoning with Apocalypse: Terminal Politics and Christian Hope, Crossroad, 1993.

Lloyd J. Averill, Religious Right, Religious Wrong, Pilgrim Press, 1989.


Edward T. Babinski, ed, Leaving the Fold: Testimonies of Former Fundamentalists, Prometheus, 1995.

Greg L. Bahnsen, Theonomy in Christian Ethics, Craig Press, 1979.

Greg L. Bahnsen, By This Standard: The Authority of God's Law Today, Institute for Christian Economics, 1985.

William S. Bainbridge, The Sociology of Religious Movements, Routledge, 1997.

Patricia Baird-Windle and Eleanor J. Bader, Targets of Hatred: Anti-Abortion Terrorism, Palgrave, 2001.

Randall Balmer, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture in America, Oxford University Press, 1989.

Randall Balmer, Blessed Assurance: A History of Evangelicalism in America, Beacon Press, 1999.

E. Digby Baltzell, Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia: Two Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Class Authority and Leadership, Free Press, 1979.

Doug Bandow, Beyond Good Intentions: A Biblical View of Politics, Crossway, 1988.

Vickie L. Bane, Dr. Laura: The Unauthorized Biography, St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Michael Barkun, Disaster and the Millennium, Yale University Press, 1974.

Michael Barkun, Crucible of the Millennium: The Burned-Over District of New York in the 1840s, Syracuse University Press, 1986.

Michael Barkun, ed, Millennialism and Violence, Cass, 1996.

Michael Barkun, Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement, revised edition, University of North Carolina Press, 1997.

James Barr, Fundamentalism, Westminster Press, 1978.

James Barr, Escaping from Fundamentalism, SCM, 1984.

James Barr, Beyond Fundamentalism, Westminster Press, 1984.

Bruce Barron, Heaven on Earth? The Social and Political Agendas of Dominion Theology, Zondervan, 1992.

David Barton, Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution and Religion, second edition, WallBuilder Press, 1997.

David Barton, The Myth of Separation: What is the Correct Relationship between Church and State? A Revealing Look at What the Founders and Early Courts Really Said, third edition, WallBuilder Press, 1992.

Stephen Bates, Battleground: One Mother's Crusade, the Religious Right, and the Struggle for Control of our Classrooms, Poseidon Press, 1993.

Gary L. Bauer, Our Hopes, Our Dreams: A Vision for America, Focus on the Family, 1996.

Michael Bauman and David Hall, eds, God and Caesar, Christian Publications, 1995.

Bruce Bawer, Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity, Crown, 1997.

Russ Bellant, The Coors Connection: How Coors Family Philanthropy Undermines Democratic Pluralism, South End Press, 1991.

Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party, third edition, South End Press, 1991.

Margaret Lamberts Bendroth, Fundamentalism and Gender, 1875 to the Present, Yale University Press, 1993.

David H. Bennett, Demagogues in the Depression: American Radicals and the Union Party, 1932-1936, Rutgers University Press, 1969.

William J. Bennett, Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals, Simon and Schuster, 1998.

Peter L. Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, To Empower People: From State to Civil Society, edited by Michael Novak, second edition, American Enterprise Institute, 1996.

Chip Berlet, ed, Eyes Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash, South End Press, 1995.

Jack Blake, Comes the Millennium, St. Martin's Press, 1996.

Dallas A. Blanchard and Terry J. Prewitt, Religious Violence and Abortion: The Gideon Project, University Press of Florida, 1993.

Dallas A. Blanchard, The Anti-Abortion Movement and the Rise of the Religious Right: From Polite to Fiery Protest, Twayne, 1994.

Harold Bloom, The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation, Simon and Schuster, 1992.

Edith L. Blumhofer and Joel A. Carpenter, Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism: A Guide to the Sources, Garland, 1990.

Edith L. Blumhofer and Randall Balmer, eds, Modern Christian Revivals, University of Illinois Press, 1993.

Edith Waldvogel Blumhofer, Russell P. Spittler, and Grant A. Wacker, eds, Pentecostal Currents in American Protestantism, University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Willa Boesak, God's Wrathful Children: Political Oppression and Christian Ethics, Eerdmans, 1995.

John B. Boles, The Great Revival, 1787-1805: The Origins of the Southern Evangelical Mind, University Press of Kentucky, 1972.

John B. Boles, The Great Revival: Beginnings of the Bible Belt, University Press of Kentucky, 1996.

Kathleen C. Boone, The Bible Tells Them So: The Discourse of Protestant Fundamentalism, State University of New York Press, 1989.

Robert Boston and Barry W. Lynn, Why the Religious Right Is Wrong: About Separation of Church and State, Prometheus, 1994.

Robert Boston, The Most Dangerous Man in America? Pat Robertson and the Rise of the Christian Coalition, Prometheus, 1996.

Robert Boston, Close Encounters with the Religious Right: Journeys into the Twilight Zone of Religion and Politics, Prometheus, 2000.

Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture, Harvard University Press, 1992.

Brenda E. Brasher, Godly Women: Fundamentalism and Female Power, Rutgers University Press, 1998.

Jeffrey A. Brauch, Is Higher Law Common Law? Readings on the Influence of Christian Thought in Anglo-American Law, Rothman, 1999.

Mary C. Brennan, Turning Right in the Sixties: The Conservative Capture of the GOP, University of North Carolina Press, 1995.

Virginia Lieson Brereton, Training God's Army: The American Bible School, 1880-1940, Indiana University Press, 1990.

Bryan W. Brickner, The Promise Keepers: Politics and Promises, Lexington, 1999.

Carolyn S. Briggs, This Dark World: A Memoir of Salvation Found and Lost, Bloomsbury, 2002.

David G. Bromley and Anson Shupe, eds, New Christian Politics, Mercer, 1984.

Steve Brouwer, Paul Gifford, and Susan D. Rose, Exporting the American Gospel: Global Christian Fundamentalism, Routledge, 1996.

Steve Bruce, The Rise and Fall of the New Christian Right: Conservative Protestant Politics in America, 1978-1988, Oxford University Press, 1988.

Steve Bruce, Conservative Protestant Politics, Oxford University Press, 1998.

Walter Brueggemann, Hopeful Imagination: Prophetic Voices in Exile, Fortress, 1986.

M. Darrol Bryant and Donald W. Dayton, eds, The Coming Kingdom: Essays in American Millennialism and Eschatology, New Era, 1983.

Richard L. Bushman, ed, The Great Awakening: Documents on the Revival of Religion, 1740-1745, Atheneum, 1969.

Howard L. Bushart, John R. Craig, and Myra Barnes, Soldiers of God: White Supremacists and Their Holy War for America, Kensington, 1998.

Jon Butler, Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People, Harvard University Press, 1990.


Robert M. Calhoon, Evangelicals and Conservatives in the Early South, 1740-1861, University of South Carolina, 1988.

Gregory S. Camp, Selling Fear: Conspiracy Theories and End-Times Paranoia, Baker, 1997.

David Cantor, The Religious Right: The Assault on Tolerance and Pluralism in America, edited by Alan M. Schwartz, Anti-Defamation League, 1994.

Walter H. Capps, The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, University of South Carolina Press, 1990.

Stanley W. Carlson-Thies and James W. Skillen, eds, Welfare in America: Christian Perpectives on a Policy in Crisis, Eerdmans, 1996.

Joel A. Carpenter, ed, Biblical Prophecy in an Apocalyptic Age: Selected Writings of Louis S. Bauman, Garland, 1988.

Joel A. Carpenter, ed, Conservative Call to Arms, Garland, 1988.

Joel A. Carpenter, ed, Enterprising Fundamentalism: Two Second-Generation Leaders, Garland, 1988.

Joel A. Carpenter, ed, Fighting Fundamentalism: Polemical Thrusts of the 1930s and 1940s, Garland, 1988.

Joel A. Carpenter, ed, The Fundamentalist-Modernist Conflict: Opposing Views on Three Major Issues, Garland, 1988.

Joel A. Carpenter, ed, A New Evangelical Coalition: Early Documents of the National Association of Evangelicals, Garland, 1988.

Joel A. Carpenter, Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism, Oxford University Press, 1997.

Ronald H. Carpenter, Father Charles E. Coughlin: Surrogate Spokesman for the Disaffected, Greenwood Press, 1998.

Dan T. Carter, The Politics of Rage: George Wallace, the Origins of the New Conservatism, and the Transformation of American Politics, Simon and Schuster, 1995.

Stephen L. Carter, The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion, Basic Books, 1993.

Stephen L. Carter, The Dissent of the Governed: A Meditation on Law, Religion, and Loyalty, Harvard University Press, 1998.

Stephen L. Carter, God's Name in Vain: The Wrongs and Rights of Religion in Politics, Basic Books, 2000.

Fernando Cervantes, The Devil in the New World: The Impact of Diabolism in New Spain, Yale University Press, 1994.

David Chilton, Paradise Restored: A Biblical Theology of Dominion, Reconstruction Press, 1985.

Gary K. Clabaugh, Thunder on the Right: The Protestant Fundamentalists, Nelson-Hall, 1974.

Rodney Clapp, Border Crossings: Christian Trespasses on Popular Culture and Public Affairs, Brazos, 2000.

Fredrick Clarkson, Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy, Common Courage Press, 1997.

Dane S. Claussen, ed, The Promise Keepers: Essays on Masculinity and Christianity, McFarland, 2000.

Dane S. Claussen, ed, Standing on the Promises: The Promise Keepers and the Revival of Manhood, Pilgrim Press, 2000.

Dan Coats, Mending Fences: Renewing Justice between Government and Civil Society, edited by James W. Skillen, Baker, 1998.

Edmund D. Cohen, The Mind of the Bible-Believer, Prometheus, 1986.

Norman Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages, revised edition, Oxford University Press, 1970.

Norman Cohn, Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith, Yale University Press, 1993.

Charles W. Colson, Born Again, Revell, 1976.

Charles W. Colson, Kingdoms in Conflict, Morrow, 1987.

Charles W. Colson, The God of Stones and Spiders: Letters to a Church in Exile, Crossway, 1990.

Chuck Colson and Jack Eckerd, Why America Doesn't Work, Word, 1991.

Charles W. Colson and Ellen Santilli Vaughn, The Body: Being Light in the Darkness, Word, 1992.

Charles W. Colson, A Dance With Deception: Revealing the Truth Behind the Headlines, Word, 1996.

Charles W. Colson, Burden of Truth: Defending the Truth in an Age of Unbelief, Tyndale House, 1998.

Charles W. Colson and Ellen Santilli Vaughn, Against the Night: Living in the New Dark Ages, Servant, 1999.

Charles W. Colson and Nancy Pearcey, How Now Shall We Live?, Tyndale, 1999.

Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, Holy Terror: The Fundamentalist War on America's Freedoms in Religion, Politics, and our Private Lives, Updated ed, Dell, 1984.

Robert L. Cord, Separation of Church and State: Historical Fact and Current Fiction, Lambeth Press, 1982.

Anthony Cowley, ed, Explicitly Christian Politics, National Reform Association, 1998.

Vincent Crapanzano, Serving the Word: Literalism in America from the Pulpit to the Bench, New Press, 2000.

Alan Crawford, Thunder on the Right: The "New Right" and the Politics of Resentment, Pantheon, 1980.

Michael J. Crawford, Seasons of Grace: Colonial New England's Revival Tradition in its British Context, Oxford University Press, 1991.

Michael Cromartie, ed, No Longer Exiles: The Religious New Right in American Politics, Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1993.

Michael Cromartie, ed, Disciples and Democracy: Religious Conservatives and the Future of American Politics, Eerdmans, 1994.

Michael Cromartie, ed, Caesar's Coin Revisited: Christians and the Limits of Government, Eerdmans, 1996.

Whitney R. Cross, The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850, Cornell University Press, 1950.

Dale Crowley, Can America Survive??? Our God-Given Freedoms Threatened by Deadly Enemies Within and Without, National Bible Knowledge Association, 1984.

Thomas J. Csordas, ed, Language, Charisma, and Creativity: The Ritual Life of a Religious Movement, University of California Press, 1997.

Thomas J. Csordas, The Sacred Self: A Cultural Phenomenology of Charismatic Healing, University of California Press, 1994.

Dennis Cuddy, Secret Records Revealed: The Men, the Money and the Myths Behind the New World Order, Hearthstone Press, 1999.

Michael W. Cuneo, The Smoke of Satan: Conservative and Traditionalist Dissent in Contemporary American Catholicism, Oxford University Press, 1997.

Richard O. Curry and Thomas M. Brown, eds, Conspiracy: The Fear of Subversion in American History, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972.


David Brion Davis, The Slave Power Conspiracy and the Paranoid Style, Louisiana State University Press, 1969.

David Brion Davis, ed, The Fear of Conspiracy: Images of Un-American Subversion from the Revolution to the Present, Cornell University Press, 1971.

Elmer Holmes Davis, Two Minutes till Midnight, Bobbs-Merrill, 1955.

Donald W. Dayton and Robert K. Johnston, eds, The Variety of American Evangelicalism, University of Tennessee Press, 1991.

Betty A. DeBerg, Ungodly Women: Gender and the First Wave of American Fundamentalism, Fortress, 1990.

Andrew Delbanco, The Puritan Ordeal, Harvard University Press, 1989.

Andrew Delbanco, The Death of Satan: How Americans Have Lost the Sense of Evil, Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1995.

John Putnam Demos, Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England, Oxford University Press, 1982.

Timothy J. Demy and Gary Stewart, eds, Politics and Public Policy: A Christian Response: Crucial Considerations for Governing Life, Kregel, 2000.

Fritz Detwiler, Standing on the Premises of God: The Christian Right's Fight to Redefine America's Public Schools, New York University Press, 1999.

Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right, South End Press, 1989.

Sara Diamond, Facing The Wrath: Confronting the Right in Dangerous Times, Common Courage Press, 1996.

Sara Diamond, Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, Guilford Press, 1995.

Sara Diamond, Not by Politics Alone: The Enduring Influence of the Christian Right, Guilford Press, 1998.

John B. Donovan, Pat Robertson: The Authorized Biography, Macmillan, 1988.

Dinesh D'Souza, Falwell, Before the Millennium: A Critical Biography, Regnery Gateway, 1984.

James R. Durham, Secular Darkness: Religious Right Involvement in Texas Public Education, 1963-1989, Lang, 1995.

Martin Durham, The Christian Right: The Far Right and the Boundaries of American Conservatism, Manchester University Press, 2000.


Frank E. Eakin, Jr, What Price Prejudice? Christian Antisemitism in America, Paulist Press, 1998.

Alfred J. Ede, The Lay Crusade for a Christian America: A Study of the American Federation of Catholic Societies, 1900-1919, Garland, 1988.

John Eidsmoe, Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of our Founding Fathers, Baker, 1987.

John Eidsmoe, God and Caesar: Biblical Faith and Political Action, Crossway, 1984.

Bill Ellis, Raising the Devil: Satanism, New Religions, and the Media, University Press of Kentucky, 2000.

Millard J. Erickson, The Evangelical Left: Encountering Postconservative Evangelical Theology, Baker, 1997.

James D. Essig, The Bonds of Wickedness: American Evangelicals Against Slavery, 1770-1808, Temple University Press, 1982.

M. Stanton Evans, The Theme Is Freedom: Religion, Politics, and the American Tradition, Regnery, 1994.


Gabriel Fackre, The Religious Right and Christian Faith, Eerdmans, 1982.

Robert W. Faid, Gorbachev! Has the Real Antichrist Come?, new updated edition, Victory House, 1991.

Jerry Falwell, ed, The Fundamentalist Phenomenon: The Resurgence of Conservative Christianity, Doubleday, 1981.

Jerry Falwell, Listen, America!, Doubleday, 1980.

Jerry Falwell, ed, How You Can Help Clean Up America, Moral Majority, 1981.

Jerry Falwell, Strength for the Journey: An Autobiography, Simon and Schuster, 1987.

Don Feder, A Jewish Conservative Looks at Pagan America, Huntington House, 1993.

Don Feder, Who's Afraid of the Religious Right?, Regnery, 1996.

William J. Federer, ed, America's God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations, Fame, 1996.

Stephen M. Feldman, Please Don't Wish Me a Merry Christmas: A Critical History of the Separation of Church and State, New York University Press, 1997.

Carol Felsenthal, The Sweetheart of the Silent Majority: The Biography of Phyllis Schlafly, Doubleday, 1981.

Mark Fenster, Conspiracy Theories: Secrecy and Power in American Culture, University of Minnesota Press, 1999.

Peter S. Field, The Crisis of the Standing Order: Clerical Intellectuals and Cultural Authority in Massachusetts, 1780-1835, University of Massachusetts Press, 1998.

Melinda Fine, Habits of Mind: Struggling over Values in America's Classrooms, Jossey-Bass, 1995.

Carol Flake, Redemptorama: Culture, Politics, and the New Evangelicalism, Anchor Press, 1984.

Alec Foege, The Empire God Built: Inside Pat Robertson's Media Machine, Wiley, 1996.

Robert William Fogel, The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism, University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein, Danger on the Right, Random House, 1964.

Marshall Foster and Mary-Elaine Swanson, The American Covenant: The Untold Story, Foundation for Christian Self-Government, 1981.

Razelle Frankl, Televangelism: The Marketing of Popular Religion, Southern Illinois University Press, 1987.

Matthew Freeman, The San Diego Model: A Community Battles the Religious Right, People for the American Way, 1993.

Arno Froese, How Democracy Will Elect the Antichrist: The Ultimate Denial of Freedom, Liberty and Justice According to the Bible, Olive Press, 1997.

Robert C. Fuller, Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession, Oxford University Press, 1995.


John Gallagher and Chris Bull, Perfect Enemies: The Religious Right, the Gay Movement, and the Politics of the 1990s, Crown, 1996.

George Gallup, Jr. and D. Michael Lindsay, Surveying the Religious Landscape: Trends in US Beliefs, Morehouse, 2000.

Louis Gasper, The Fundamentalist Movement, Mouton, 1963.

Eugene D. Genovese, A Consuming Fire: The Fall of the Confederacy in the Mind of the White Christian South, University of Georgia Press, 1998.

James Gilbert, Redeeming Culture: American Religion in an Age of Science, University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Anne Bathurst Gilson, The Battle for America's Families: A Feminist Response to the Religious Right, Pilgrim Press, 1999.

Ray Ginger, Six Days or Forever? Tennessee V. John Thomas Scopes, Oxford University Press, 1974.

Richard Godbeer, The Devil's Dominion: Magic and Religion in Early New England, Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Clifford Goldstein, One Nation Under God? Bible Prophecy -- When the American Experiment Fails, Pacific Press, 1996.

Paul Goodman, Towards a Christian Republic: Antimasonry and the Great Transition in New England, 1826-1836, Oxford University Press, 1988.

Cynthia Gorney, Articles of Faith: A Frontline History of the Abortion Wars, Simon and Schuster, 1998.

Billy Graham, America's Hour of Decision, Van Kampen Press, 1951.

George Grant, The Changing of the Guard: Biblical Principles for Political Action, Dominion Press, 1987.

George Grant, ed, The Patriot's Handbook, Cumberland House, 1996.

John C. Green, Religion and the Culture Wars: Dispatches from the Front, Rowman and Littlefield, 1996.

John C. Green, Mark J. Rozell, and Clyde Wilcox, eds, Prayers in the Precincts: The Christian Right in the 1998 Elections, Georgetown University Press, 2000.

Philip Greven, The Protestant Temperament: Patterns of Child-Rearing, Religious Experience, and the Self in Early America, Knopf, 1977.

Philip Greven, Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse, Knopf, 1991.

R. Marie Griffith, God's Daughters: Evangelical Women and the Power of Submission, University of California Press, 1997.

Allen C. Guelzo, Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President, Eerdmans, 1999.

James L. Guth and John C. Green, eds, The Bible and the Ballot Box: Religion and Politics in the 1988 Election, Westview Press, 1991.


Jeffrey K. Hadden and Charles E. Swann, Prime Time Preachers: The Rising Power of Televangelism, Addison-Wesley, 1981.

Jeffrey K. Hadden and Anson Shupe, eds, Prophetic Religions and Politics, Paragon House, 1986.

Jeffrey K. Hadden and Anson Shupe, Televangelism, Power, and Politics on God's Frontier, Holt, 1988.

Jeffrey K. Hadden and Anson Shupe, eds, Secularization and Fundamentalism Reconsidered, Paragon House, 1989.

John C. Hagee, Invasion of Demons, Revell, 1973.

John C. Hagee, Day of Deception, Nelson, 1997.

David D. Hall, Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment: Popular Religious Belief in Early New England, Knopf, 1989.

Donald E. Hall, Muscular Christianity: Embodying the Victorian Age, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Douglas John Hall, Confessing the Faith: Christian Theology in a North American Context, Fortress, 1996.

Verna M. Hall, The Christian History of the American Revolution: Consider and Ponder, Foundation for American Christian Education, 1976.

Verna M. Hall, The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America, Foundation for American Christian Education, 1983.

Grace Halsell, Prophecy and Politics: The Secret Alliance Between Israel and the US Christian Right, revised edition, Hill, 1986.

Grace Halsell, Prophecy and Politics: Militant Evangelists on the Road to Nuclear War, Hill, 1986.

Grace Halsell, Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture -- and Destruction of Planet Earth, Crossroads, 1999.

Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe, Charles G. Finney and the Spirit of American Evangelicalism, Eerdmans, 1996.

Robert T. Handy, A Christian America: Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities, second edition, Oxford University Press, 1984.

Robert T. Handy, Undermined Establishment: Church-State Relations in America, 1880-1920, Princeton University Press, 1991.

Mark Y. Hanley, Beyond a Christian Commonwealth: The Protestant Quarrel with the American Republic, 1830-1860, University of North Carolina Press, 1994.

Jean Hardisty, Mobilizing Resentment: Conservative Resurgence from the John Birch Society to the Promise Keepers, edited by Micah Kleit, Beacon Press, 1999.

David Edwin Harrell, Jr, Pat Robertson: A Personal, Religious, and Political Portrait, Harper and Row, 1987.

Benjamin Hart, Faith and Freedom: The Christian Roots of American Liberty, Lewis and Stanley, 1990.

Nathan O. Hatch, The Sacred Cause of Liberty: Republican Thought and the Millennium in Revolutionary New England, Yale University Press, 1977.

John Stratton Hawley, ed, Fundamentalism and Gender, Oxford University Press, 1994.

Kenneth J. Heineman, God Is a Conservative: Religion, Politics and Morality in Contemporary America, New York University Press, 1998.

Jerry S. Herbert, ed, America, Christian or Secular? Readings in American Christian History and Civil Religion, Multnomah Press, 1984.

M. Jean Heriot, Blessed Assurance: Beliefs, Actions, and the Experience of Salvation in a Carolina Baptist Church, University of Tennessee Press, 1994.

Didi Herman, The Antigay Agenda: Orthodox Vision and the Christian Right, University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Hugh Hewitt, The Embarrassed Believer: Reviving Christian Witness in an Age of Unbelief, Word, 1998.

Christine Leigh Heyrman, Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt, Knopf, 1997.

L. Edward Hicks, "Sometimes in the Wrong, but Never in Doubt": George S. Benson and the Education of the New Religious Right, University of Tennessee Press, 1994.

John Higham, Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925, Rutgers University Press, 1955.

Christopher Hill, Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England, Oxford University Press, 1971.

Jim Hill and Rand Cheadle, The Bible Tells Me So: Uses and Abuses of Holy Scripture, Doubleday, 1996.

Samuel S. Hill, ed, Religion in the Southern States: A Historial Study, Mercer University Press, 1983.

Robert L. Hilliard and Michael C. Keith, Waves of Rancor: Tuning in the Radical Right, Sharpe, 1999.

Boyd Hilton, The Age of Atonement: The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought, 1795-1865, Oxford University Press, 1988.

Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, Harper, 1951.

Richard Hofstadter, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, Knopf, 1963.

Richard Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, and Other Essays, Knopf, 1965.

Godfrey Hodgson, The World Turned Right Side Up: A History of the Conservative Ascendancy in America, Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

Michael S. Horton, Made in America: The Shaping of Modern American Evangelicalism, Baker, 1991.

Stewart M. Hoover and Knut Lundby, eds, Rethinking Media, Religion, and Culture, Sage, 1997.

H. Wayne House, ed, The Christian and American Law: Christianity's Impact on America's Founding Documents and Future Direction, Kregel, 1998.

H. Wayne House, ed, Restoring the Constitution, 1787-1987: Essays in Celebration of the Bicentennial, Probe Ministries, 1987.

Dave Hunt, Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist, Harvest House, 1990.

Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast, Harvest House, 1994.

Keith Hunt and Gladys Hunt, For Christ and the University: The Story of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship-USA, 1940-1990, InterVarsity Press, 1992.

James Davison Hunter, American Evangelicalism: Conservative Religion and the Quandary of Modernity, Rutgers University Press, 1983.

James Davison Hunter, Evangelicalism: The Coming Generation, University of Chicago Press, 1987.

James Davison Hunter and Os Guinness, eds, Articles of Faith, Articles of Peace: The Religious Liberty Clauses and the American Public Philosophy, Brookings Institution, 1990.

James Davison Hunter, Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America, Basic Books, 1991.

James Davison Hunter, Before the Shooting Begins: Searching for Democracy in America's Culture War, Free Press, 1994.

Gail E. Husch, Something Coming: Apocalyptic Expectation and Mid-Nineteenth-Century American Painting, University Press of New England, 2000.

James Hutson, ed, Religion and the New Republic: Faith in the Founding of America, Rowman and Littlefield, 2000.


Arthur Frederick Ide, Idol Worshippers in 20th Century America: Phyllis Schlafly, Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell, and the Moral Majority on Women, Work, and Homosexuality, Monument Press, 1984.

Arthur Frederick Ide, Tomorrow's Tyrants: The Radical Right and the Politics of Hate, Monument Press, 1985.

Arthur Frederick Ide, Evangelical Terrorism: Censorship, Falwell, Robertson, and the Seamy Side of Christian Fundamentalism, Scholars, 1986.

Arthur Frederick Ide, Evangelical Terrorism: Censorship, Falwell, Robertson, and the Seamy Side of Christian Fundamentalism, Scholars, 1986.

Arthur Frederick Ide, Robertson: The Pulpit and the Power, American Atheist Press, 1987.

Kenneth W. Ingwalson, Your Church, Their Target: What's Going On in the Protestant Churches, Better Books, 1966.


Glen Jeansonne, Gerald L. K. Smith, Minister of Hate, Yale University Press, 1988.

Tracey Jefferys-Renault and Jerry Sloan, Without Justice for All: A Report on the Christian Right in Sacramento and Beyond, Planned Parenthood of Sacramento Valley, 1993.

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