IS 282 -- Winter 2007


Due in class on February 12th.

Part 1. Data modeling.

Prepare an entity-relationship diagram for the computer in a restaurant. To determine what entities and relationships the computer might need to represent, consider all of the various documents that customers, waiters, kitchen staff, and managers might use. Include the attributes for each entity. You can draw the entity-relationship diagram for this system either by hand or with a software tool. Use either the notation that we used in class or the notation in the assigned reading from Hoffer, George, and Valacich. The goal is not to draw a complete diagram, but rather one that includes most of the major design issues. Your diagram should have about twelve entities, each of which has a single clear meaning. In the past, the most difficult issue has been representing the internal structure of documents such as a menu, together with the things that the documents represent.

Part 2. Process modeling.

Prepare a process diagram for a system that maintains class rosters. An administrator can enter information about the classes, such as which terms they are offered, when they meet, and how many units they are. Students can sign up for classes, though they cannot sign up for two classes that meet at the same time. Students can also drop classes. Each class has a maximum number of students, together with a wait list for students beyond that number. Students can get a list of the classes that they are signed up for, and professors can get a list of the students who are signed up for a given class. (In a real system, administrators, students, and professors would have to log in with passwords before they use the system. But the process diagram formalism that we are using makes this hard to draw, so forget about it for purposes of this assignment.) You can draw the process diagram for this system either by hand or with a software tool. Use the notation in the assigned reading from Hoffer, George, and Valacich. The goal is not to draw a complete diagram, but rather one that includes all of the major design elements. Your diagram should have about twenty boxes.